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Facing Technological Challenges: Strengthening National Unity through Pancasila


Kepoen.com-Facing Technological Challenges: Strengthening National Unity through Pancasila-This country, the Republic of Indonesia, does not belong to any particular group, religion, or ethnic group with customs and traditions. It is the collective property of all Indonesian citizens, from Sabang to Merauke." The message conveyed by Bung Karno serves as the foundation of Pancasila, which embodies the national identity of Indonesia.

When formulating this statement, Bung Karno had a clear vision of the nation's life, considering the diverse backgrounds of the Indonesian people. Leading a nation with such ethnic, religious, and cultural diversity is not an easy task. However, this diversity is one of Indonesia's strengths that many other nations may not possess.

 Bung Karno recognized the need for a unifying force among the Indonesian people. There had to be a strong bond that would unite them, regardless of their diverse backgrounds, in the name of the Indonesian nation.

The Importance of Embracing Pancasila amidst the Technological Buzz

Unbeknownst to us, we are increasingly immersed in the bustling world of technology in our daily lives. In carrying out our activities, we are almost inseparable from the gadgets we possess, whether it be for work-related tasks or socializing with others.

The rapid development of technology has made it easily accessible to the Indonesian society. This can be seen in the frequent emergence of communication technologies with advanced features that quickly attract a significant number of users.

With the growing reliance on technology in our lives, one thing to be wary of is the irresponsible use of technology, which can lead to the fragmentation of unity within our nation. There have been numerous incidents that point in that direction. For instance, the use of social media to spread radical teachings that have the potential to harm the unity of our diverse nation, the ease with which individuals express hatred towards others through social media platforms, and extreme actions such as suicide bombings targeting places of worship.

These activities seem to be spiraling out of control due to the ease of creating social media accounts, coupled with the susceptibility of many members of our society to radical ideologies. The government has taken action in response to these incidents. However, the challenge lies in the fluid and dynamic nature of the technological world. When the government tries to block certain troubling social media accounts, new accounts of a similar nature will inevitably emerge.

It is important to remember that, as discussed earlier, Pancasila serves as the unifying force of our nation. From this perspective, we can see that any actions that threaten the unity of our nation, including those facilitated by technology, are essentially an affront to Pancasila. The five principles of our national foundation are not mere empty phrases that adorn textbooks.

The Garuda Pancasila emblem is not merely a mandatory decoration adorning the walls of every household. Instead, we must realize that Pancasila unites the diverse elements of our nation, even as we become increasingly familiar with the use of technology in our lives. The more extensively technology is utilized, the more we should be united with one another, as technology is fundamentally created to improve our lives.

Equally important is the fact that our national foundation consists of five principles. The number five represents an odd number, and something classified as odd becomes more complete when accompanied by an even number. Thus, the five principles of Pancasila become more complete when we are able to complement them by behaving in accordance with the implicit messages conveyed by each principle.

Today, there is a growing skepticism towards Pancasila. The reason behind this is that, day by day, Pancasila has seemingly failed to save Indonesia. However, it is not Pancasila itself that is at fault but rather the imperfect implementation of Pancasila's principles. Every national philosophy cannot be realized on its own; it must be accommodated within a state system that

guarantees the realization of that philosophy. This is where the importance of learning history comes into play. Great nations always study their history to understand their national character and determine the path they will lead their people towards. Unfortunately, today we are not taught the history of our nation based on democratic principles. Democracy has now become an industry, known as the democracy industry. Why? Because it emerged during times of poverty among the people. In reality, when the people have enough food, shelter, clothing, economic stability, education, health, and legal protection, democracy will naturally emerge gradually. But when democracy arises in times of hardship and scarcity, it will be exchanged for mere basic needs.

Therefore, it is crucial to revisit the essence of Pancasila as the guiding principle of our nation. Pancasila represents the values that bind us together and ensure the harmonious coexistence of a diverse society. It is not enough to merely recite the principles; we must internalize and practice them in our daily lives. Pancasila is not a stagnant concept; it is a living ideology that should guide our actions and decisions as individuals and as a nation.

In order to address the challenges posed by the rapid advancement of technology and its potential negative impact on national unity, it is imperative to foster a sense of responsibility and accountability in the use of technology. Education plays a vital role in this regard. By promoting digital literacy, critical thinking, and ethical behavior in the digital realm, we can mitigate the risks associated with irresponsible technology use.

Furthermore, a comprehensive approach involving the government, educational institutions, civil society, and the private sector is necessary to tackle the issues arising from the misuse of technology. This includes strengthening regulations to curb hate speech, misinformation, and the spread of radical ideologies on social media platforms. Collaborative efforts should be made to promote digital citizenship, promote positive online discourse, and create safe online environments that foster unity and tolerance.

By embracing Pancasila as the guiding principle in the midst of the technological whirlwind, we can harness the power of technology to strengthen national unity, promote inclusivity, and foster a sense of belonging among all Indonesians. Pancasila provides us with a solid foundation and a common identity, enabling us to navigate the complexities of our diverse society while upholding the values of unity, diversity, and social justice.

In conclusion, Pancasila remains as relevant today as it was when it was first established. It serves as a compass that guides us through the challenges of the modern world, including the rapid advancements in technology. By embracing Pancasila and upholding its principles, we can navigate the complexities of our diverse nation, preserve our unity, and ensure a prosperous future for Indonesia and its people.

