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Imam Malik bin Anas' intelligence and Sincerity in Seeking Knowledge


Kepoen.com-Imam Malik bin Anas' intelligence and Sincerity in Seeking Knowledge- Imam Malik bin Anas, the founder of the Maliki School, was born in Medina, in the year 93 H and died at the age of 86 years. he is from the Yamniah Kablah. Since childhood he has been diligent in attending science majlis, so that since childhood he also has memorized the Qur'an.


No less than that, it was his own mother who encouraged Imam Malik to always be active in studying. After reaching such a high level in the field of knowledge, Imam Malik began teaching, because he felt he had an obligation to share his knowledge with others in need.

 Even so, he is known to be very careful in giving fatwas. He did not forget to first examine the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, and consult with other scholars, before then giving a fatwa on a problem. It is narrated that he had seventy people whom he used to consult to issue a fatwa.

 Imam Malik known to have a very strong memory. Once, he heard thirty-one hadiths from Ibn Shihab without writing them down. And when he was asked to repeat all the hadiths, he forgot none of them.

Imam Malik really sharpened the sharpness of his memory, even more so because at that time there was still no written hadith collection. Therefore, this gift really supports him in studying.

 In addition, he is known to be very sincere in doing things. This trait would have made it easier for him in studying science.

He himself once said: “Knowledge is light; he will be easily achieved with a heart that is pious and solemn.”

He also advised to avoid doubt, when he said: “The best work is clear. If you are faced with two things, and one of them is doubtful, then do what is more convincing to you."

 Because of his great sincerity, Imam Mallik seemed reluctant to give a fatwa related to punishment. One of his students, Ibn Wahab, said: "I heard Imam Malik (when asked about the punishment), he said: this is a matter of government." 

Imam Shafi'I himself once said: “When I arrived in Medina, I met Imam Malik. When he heard my voice, he looked at me for a while then asked: what is your name?

 I replied: Muhammad! He said again: O Muhammad, fear Allah, stay away from immorality because it will burden you continuously, day after day.

in the book al-Fiqh 'ala al-madzahib al-khamsah, by Muhammad Jawad Mughaniyah and translated under the title Fiqh Lima Mazhab: Ja’fari, Hanafi, Maliki, Syafi’I, Hambali            

