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Pancasila as an Ethical Source in the Era of Industrial Revolution


Kepoen.com-Pancasila as an Ethical Source in the Era of Industrial Revolution-Pancasila has the principle of "Belief in the One and Only God," which indicates that Indonesia is not an atheist, secular, or religious state. An atheist state does not believe in the existence of God, while a secular state allows individuals to practice or not practice religion, and a religious state adopts religious texts as the constitution.

However, in Eastern Europe, countries that declared themselves as communist, atheist states and banned religion experienced setbacks after 70 years of existence. Reforms in these countries brought about changes such as religious freedom, suffrage, and property ownership. Currently, many mosques are being opened in Russia, indicating a shift in thinking about the existence of God.

In Western Europe, which adheres to secularism, religion and the state are separated. Religion is not allowed to be involved in government activities and the constitution. However, in some secular countries, religion has undergone changes and a decline in its influence due to secularization. Some religious norms have been dismantled by laws, and even countries like Denmark, Norway, and Austria have allowed same-sex marriages despite no religious approval for such a marriage model.

In the Middle East, countries are based on religion, particularly Islam, due to the majority of the population adhering to Islam. However, it is important to note that religion is sacred, while the state is not. There is a distance between the sacredness of religion and the state, even though the state claims to be a religious state.

 Some Middle Eastern countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey, identify themselves as Islamic states, but differences in views and even conflicts arise among them. Similar situations also occur in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, where differences in the understanding of Islam lead to conflict and violence. Islam does not teach or justify such acts of killing. Therefore, there is a distinction between individuals who adhere to Islam and the misuse of the religion.

Pancasila is used in Indonesia, with the first principle being "Belief in the One and Only God." This signifies that Indonesia is a multi-religious country, consisting of Muslims, Christians, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists, and others. Pancasila upholds the universal values of all religions in the ideology of the Republic of Indonesia, with a focus on the belief in the One and Only God.

Although each religion has differences in rituals and worship practices, the common goal of the plural society is to achieve welfare, peace, and harmony. All religions share the same aspirations. The differences between these religions do not need to be forced into sameness, but such differences should not be discriminated against. In Indonesia, Pancasila serves as the foundation that recognizes and protects all religions.

If there are violations against places of worship, they should be processed through legal means. The state is not indifferent to religion, but it does not regulate religion as it is a personal matter and individual worship of God. Therefore, religious texts are not used as the basis for the constitution, but the universal values of religions are encapsulated in the concept of the state ideology.

The second principle in Pancasila is "Democracy Guided by the Inner Wisdom in Deliberation/Representation." This indicates that leadership in the country must be wise and responsible. Leaders should not use their power solely for personal interests. In philosophy, wisdom is the core of a phenomenon.

Justice is the wisdom of law, equitable welfare is the wisdom of the economy, and organizing a state system that produces order and peace is the wisdom of politics. However, if politics becomes politicized and used for narrow political interests, then politics has turned into a means of manipulation.

 Therefore, leaders must act with wisdom and not just play a political role but genuinely lead and be accountable to The third principle in Pancasila is "Social Justice for All Indonesian People." Social justice encompasses various aspects of life such as education, law, protection, and economy. The concept of social justice in Pancasila is comprehensive justice. Justice is not solely determined by social status, whether one is rich or poor, but it also involves the individual's capacity to lead a fulfilling life. In achieving social justice, it is important to maintain balance and equality within society.

Thus, Pancasila, as an ethical source in the era of the industrial revolution, encompasses principles that respect and protect religious diversity, uphold wise and responsible leadership, and strive for comprehensive social justice for all Indonesian people.
