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The Works of Al-Muhasibi in Kitab Adab al-Nufus: Reviving Classical Concepts in the Modern Era


Kepoen.com-The Works of Al-Muhasibi in Kitab Adab al-Nufus: Reviving Classical Concepts in the Modern Era-Significant advancements in time have brought changes to the diverse society of the present era. One aspect that has been influenced is Islamic knowledge. Unfortunately, there are some individuals who fail to appreciate the works of the scholars from the past.


This reality is reflected in today's society. Therefore, this paper invites us, as a community in the modern age, to not forget the classical concepts of knowledge presented in the works of the scholars.


As students of Tasawuf (Sufism), it is important for us to familiarize ourselves with and internalize the works of the Sufi scholars. One of these works is the book Adab al-Nufus, written by Al-Muhasibi. The book discusses various aspects of life, such as the Nature of Seeking Goodness, Justice, and Virtue. I have chosen these two themes because the criticisms expressed in the book are highly relevant to the current human condition. Many people in society have forgotten the values of good and bad in their lives.


Furthermore, justice is often neglected in the midst of today's society, despite our country's goal of implementing social justice for all Indonesian citizens.


Al-Muhasibi, whose full name is Abu 'Abd Allah al-Harits ibn Asad ibn Ma'qal al-'Anazi, was born in Bashrah in the year 165 H/781 M. He was one of the scholars during the Abbasid Dynasty.


He was renowned by the epithet al-Muhasibi due to his penchant for self-introspection (muhasabah). Although born in Bashrah, he spent most of his life in Baghdad, where he acquired Islamic knowledge, particularly in the fields of hadith and kalam, from prominent figures of that time.


Al-Muhasibi possessed a strong spirit in pursuing intellectual and spiritual journeys. While initially attracted to Mu'tazilite rationalism, he later rejected it and chose the teachings of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah. In the field of knowledge, he was proficient in fiqh (jurisprudence) and hadith, but he preferred the Sufi path in developing his knowledge.


He integrated the fiqh of the heart with the fiqh of the limbs. Hence, he became known as a strict and influential developer of moral psychology within the Sufi ethical tradition.


In addition to being a spiritual guide, Al-Muhasibi was also a prolific writer. Some of his famous works include al-Ri'ayah li Huquq Allah, Qutub al-Qulub, al-Washaya, al-Makasib, Fahm al-Shalah, and many others, with Kitab Adab al-Nufus being the focus of this paper. The total number of works produced by Al-Muhasibi is estimated to reach 200 books.


His works have direct and indirect influence on subsequent scholars, particularly his disciples. Among his disciples were renowned Sufis such as Sari al-Saqathi, Junayd al-Baghdadi, Abu Hamzah al-Baghdadi, and Abu Husayn al-Nuri.


The works of Al-Muhasibi also serve as references for the works of later scholars. For instance, in the field of psychology, his influence can be seen in the works of Abu Tholib al-Makki, which subsequently influenced the thinking of Abu Hamid al-Ghazali. Additionally, the book Risalah al-Kusyairiyah is often referenced based on Al-Muhasibi's works.


Although Al-Muhasibi passed away at the age of 76 in Baghdad in the year 243 H/857 M, his legacy lives on through his fundamental works. These works continue to impact and influence our lives to this day.

